You know how there are a ton of design, engineering, and product events, but very few dedicated UX Research events? That’s why we do these. For anyone who conducts a lot of human-centered research, maybe with a qual focus but hey quant counts, too.

In 2018, Ethnio and Grace Lau got together to start putting these on. Ethnio is a UX research SaaS offering a central database for participant management, Pool, screening, intercepts, scheduling, and incentive payments. Check us out here:

What’s the point of a UX research night?

The idea is to create small local events where UX researchers and other product team members can come and discuss both entry-level and advanced topics.

Interested in volunteering or hosting?

The Team

Nate Bolt

Helps a bit

Grace Lau

helps a ton

Shirin Joushanpoosh

helps a lot

Kyle Robertson

event hero